

About Mindfulheart

What it means to be living, or what it means to live a good life or perhaps even more simply how to live are the questions I like to keep turning over. Playfully. Like many booklovers, I found so many lightning moments in fiction, so many landing places, that I can’t imagine my life without reading. A reading, writing life is my dream.

The MindLit posts (more coming soon!) explore particularly those words in fiction that are especially helpful or insightful in some way – and that also embody a key aspect of mindfulness.  The blog posts on the homepage cover more general wellbeing themes and follow the seasonal rhythms of the year. The book section provides brief summaries for helpful texts around a well-being theme. The odd bit of fiction creeps in…


About me

I started off my working life as a teacher of English Literature in secondary schools, moved to research and university teaching, then on to well-being support for students in higher education. I have trained in teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). 

This site contains affiliate links – this means I could potentially make a few pennies if you end up buying something from Amazon. If you do want the book, please consider your local library or bookshop first. Amazon is helpful for letting you read snippets of the book if you want to find out a bit more.